Recently, all I hear around my house are comments about how I need to work more hours. Although I thought I was pretty clear on the fact that in addition to being a full-time college student, I also need time to do homework and do basic things such as exercise, cook, clean, etc. Yes, I'm only working about 20+/- hours per week, but when school starts in 9 days, I'm gonna have my hands full.
"But what about all that free time you'll still have?" Free time? You mean, those couple hours when I wake up and when I go to bed where I play video games and watch anime? That hour or two during lunch where I study Japanese and Taiwanese? Yes, I will start learning how to read, take notes, write journals and papers on the computer, and jog - all at the same time. Clearly, everyone is expected to do just that - because this is the 21st century, if you ain't multitasking then wth are you doing?
Anyways... though I resented it at first... as much as I hate to admit it... I've come to like my job. Yes, that's right, I like working where I work. Sometimes certain customers can be a bit irritating, but for the most part it's a good crowd that comes during the hours that I actually work. I hope there will be a spot open in the Eugene branch when it comes time to transfer. If not... maybe I won't be going to Uni after all
Oh... today I made broccoli-beef Family kept complaining that I only cook for myself So today I cooked enough for everyone... Yeah... turns out they don't like soy sauce (but they like it when it's at a Chinese restaurant) So even though I cooked for everyone... I'm still the only one eating it =_=) I don't like eating the same thing all the time, but you don't see me complaining when they bring out the brats and hamburgers or the grilled steak that got smothered in Lawry's. From now on, it's everyone for themselves, I guess I'll just continue cooking single meals for only me
There are only 10 days left until school starts! Oh my god... I set myself up with the dumbest schedule!! Though, you'd think I'd be use to it by now... I tend to do that every year haha I set my classes far apart so that I would force myself to study between classes since it's not enough time to go home, but too much time to just sit around and wait. Well... I sure hope I'll force myself to study! Oh... guess what! Turns out physical science means "physical"... as in "physics" Yeah.... I have no idea why... but I was thinking it meant "physical" as in "earth" Oops... I'm basically taking two math classes now! God... sometimes I wonder what goes on in that brain of mine haha I wouldn't be surprised to find The Great Gazoo in there, just having a good laugh at all the silly things he tricks me into doing For those who don't know the Great Gazoo... Click HERE Gah.... hopefully classes go well this semester. I really want to go to Oregon next fall!
So I tried to send my transcripts from my first university to the community college I'm attending. It said I never completed the exit counseling. "Really? God, I'm such a loser - I could have sworn I'd completed it. Whatever, I'll just do it now" ..................... 1 Hour Later ........................................ "WTF! Where is the fricken exit counseling?!? My community college has a link that goes right to it. Really, university? Really? You couldn't just give me the stupid link?" ................... 20 Minutes Later ............................... "Finally!"*begins and finishes exit counseling*
So... I finally was able to order transcripts. "Yes! I won't have to repeat classes I've already taken!" Yeah...... no. I got a text a couple hours later saying they couldn't complete the transcript. I went online and checked to see what the reason was..... Yeah... no reason listed. Okay, I'll check my student page for my university.... no info. "WTH!"
=_=) I give up. Classes start in 13 days... even if I was finally able to get my transcripts sent... there wouldn't be enough time for them to process them, compare the classes, and get back to me in time to cancel the ones I'm repeating. Plus, I already ordered books. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Everything seems to be piling up right now.... I just want to start over with a clean slate. "Just let me totally wipe that first university out of my life! Please!!!!!" By the way... if you want to know if a college is a good match for you, check out Cappex. I tested my old university against me... it says I'd be miserable there -- yep, that sounds about right. Tested it against the new uni I want to go to... it says I'd love it there -- God, I hope so!
At this rate, I won't be able to apply to the new university I want to go to. I'm gonna wait a week or so to see if maybe it just took a little time to get things straightened out with the exit counseling. If they don't let me send my transcripts.... okay I'll probably just cry my angry eyes out, complain to my friend, and throw away random things around the house (that's what happens when I clean while angry haha)
Next year, I plan to go to University of Oregon God... I'm so excited! I plan on transferring my job out to Eugene. I also want to get an apartment. "Why not live in the dorms?" you ask? Well... because one of my friends will come stay with me for a couple weeks And I can't very well expect him to stay at a hotel, now can I? Plus... as a student, I'll be able to use public transportation for free^^ If I can get the apartment I want... a year's worth of housing will be......
5400+deposit (If I remember right, this one had all utilities included) It's way cheaper than what I was expecting^^ I'll probably get my phone switched over to my own name, so there's that bill Plus probably internet if it's not provided with the apartment TV... I don't watch TV anymore, so no bill there No pets allowed, so no expenses there Public transportation = free, so nothing there either^^ Food... maybe 70 or so a week? I'm not sure how much groceries cost there... Exercise - lots of nature trails and free exercise room, no cost there^^
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's gonna be easy living... I'll be a full time student, and working.... It's gonna be tough And when my friend visits for a couple weeks... goodbye, good grades! But... I think it will be perfect for me and for my lifestyle^^ If I had the money and if I could, I'd go right now!
I'm so excited to go to Oregon!
Today I went running, practiced serving (tennis), learned some Traditional Chinese, corrected some English, and watched some anime. But... I also lost two of my beloved Penn tennis balls! I knew I should have used wilsons instead... then it wouldn't have mattered if I had lost them or not
Anyways... I sent cookies to my friend in Japan. 心配ですよ~ ^^; I hope they don't go bad in the mail! I packed them individually with bread chunks to keep them soft However... I'm worried they might be too soft if I put too much bread with them
Doh! I really hope they turned out well and that he likes them! I need to clean my room.... But I don't feel like doing anything