He said his professor told him that in order to be able to communicate well, we should know at least 20, 000 words
Lately I have been so tired from work and school that I haven't studied my languages as much
I am going to start posting weekly vocab words
Mostly they will be Chinese or Japanese
But sometimes they will be Korean^^
Then, today's word is:
Dream (noun)
A succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep
Japanese: 夢 → ゆめ
Chinese: 梦 → Mèng
Korean: 꿍 → ggum
Also, please let me clarify about my work...
A couple posts ago I said that my job sucks
Yes... it kind of does
But... almost every job sucks when you can't be your own boss
In fact, if you asked someone if they liked their job...
Very rarely would you find someone who says their job is perfect
Very very rarely...
There is always something they want to change
Though, I must admit that after changing to only working in the evening...
The people I work with are much nicer than the people who work during the day
The environment is much less dramatic
I can work in peace - most of the time
And the customers who shop at night are usually more calm than the ones who are in a hurry because they tried to do an hour's worth of shopping in only 45 minutes
.... they are going to be late for work if that bozo in front of them doesn't hurry up and just use his credit card - which is clearly so much quicker than cash! (This, of course, is a dramatization - though it's pretty realistic haha)
The environment is much nicer
It's helped my stress to go down a little
And in addition I'm not as tired anymore
Which leaves me more energy to do my homework
Now maybe I won't fall asleep while writing my Psychology papers
Now... time for horoscopes!
Don't just think things through today -- you need to take action! It's one of those days when you can tell that your energy is better spent on physical labor than in intellectual pursuits.
Oh... so you mean... I should clean my room and go swimming - not do my homework?
I should do my homework on wednesday? haha
You'll be in full possession of your physical and intellectual means. It'll then be possible for you to succeed in all that you'll undertake -- on the condition that you stay within the limits of your possibilities. You'll notice intrigues in your entourage and will have a painful feeling of frustration about it.This will be a harsh lesson that will help you know human nature better.
Yes, it's a good warning, I think.
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