I'm almost done, and I've finally got my grades up^^
However... this week will be the most difficult.
I've finally got my work schedule down to only 15-20/25 hours.
Yet, my mind is being so ignorant....
Now we are up into this time period of Asian history
Namely, Vietnam and North Korea.
I know wars are big events...
but I just think they are kind of stupid...
Who in their right mind actually enjoys studying about guns, weapons, and machinery?
I suppose someone who works in that field....
It'd be like me getting excited about an 1890 Buffet Albert system E-flat clarinet
Even so... how is this supposed to be interesting?
Perhaps it's ignorance, perhaps not
But I simply can't study anything that I don't deem interesting....
It's not like I don't try, because I do, really....
But my mind just kind of shuts off
Please don't tell me "You have to make it interesting and get excited about it...."
Because that would be like me telling you something along the lines of:
"You just have to get excited about the fact that someone decided to put pieces of metal on a hollowed out stick, only to someday cut that stick into pieces and put a shaved piece of wood attached via metal ligature at the top......."
Boring, right? Why the hell would someone even try to do something so insane?
Exactly... why the heck do people think the only way is war?
And memorizing body counts, which years the war occurred in, and who did what....
Sorry, but not interested.
Also... I want to play the Sims 3 haha
I told myself I wouldn't.... but I finally put it back on my computer yesterday
Only to find out they made a new expansion pack (Generations) and that Sims 3: Pets is coming in October!
Must... Buy.... Sims 3: Pets!
I promised myself I wouldn't spend anymore money on this crap...
But I can't help it...
I love the Sims haha
Plus... if I pre-order I get the limited edition version with 10 mythical bonus pets....
Seriously? A dog disguised as a panda? My sims clearly need that for their vacation home in China^^
Well... as soon as I finally break down and get World Adventures
Generations and Pets, though
I'll buy those at full price, because you get a lot with them
World Adventures, Outdoor Living, and the others....
I'll wait until they are a little cheaper
Though I won't post my horoscopes today (because this post is already a little long....)
My Gemini horoscope told me daydreaming was good
.... I don't think it knows the extent to which I daydream haha
I need to mail a postcard to some place in Europe, I don't remember which country....
And I need to mail my certificate of Organization
So stupid... I forgot to sign ^^;
I also need to finish my homework, study my languages, feed the dogs, and go to work....
I wish I could pause time so I could add to that: go swimming, go running, play some tennis, cook some flan
I lost about 13 kg....
Since summer classes started....
I gained back 6 kg
As soon as summer classes are over...
(In addition to playing the Sims and talking on Skype for hours-on-end...)
I will start running again (^_^)
I had myself up to the point where I could run for 315 steps before my lungs felt like they were encased in stone and my throat felt like it had a diameter of 0
By the way...
If I don't already talk to you on Skype
And you would like to improve your pronunciation of English....
Click HERE
Or... send your friends who would like help with their English
I'm a good teacher, I promise^^
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